Love and Attraction
The first step to greatness begins with you!
1 - Rose Quartz Crystal Heart - unconditional love
1 - Palo Santo - Tree belongs to the same family as frankincense, copal and myrrh. Improves stress response, reduce pain, repels, assists with headaches and repel mosquitos. Use for personal protection and inspires creativity.
1 - Selenite Crystal - Named from the moon Goddess Selene. This precious crystal stands for rejuvenation and divine feminine energy.
1 - Dragon's Blood resin mountain sage: uses for Protection, Sexuality, Love & Healing
1 - Herbal Essential Oil 10mL: This love oil emits a strong vibration of unconditional love, joy, warmth and emotional healing! This love oil is perfect for gaining the attention of and love of the one you desire and for self-love.
Comes in a gift pouch with instructions to smudge.